Revives Listings

Here are all of the players who are selling revives on Torn Exchange with their prices. If you are looking to buy a revive, simply choose a player from the listings below, click on their name and you shall be directed to their profile so that you can send them a message.

Doing revives $800k or a Xanax... Able to do one or many! Looking to setup contracts revives... msg me in game
Fastest revives in the city!!! Always stacked, don't shy away from asking for bulk revs. PRICE: 1M or XAN
Selling revive for 800k or 1 xanax. Forum for OverSea Price:
🛌🏻Selling Revives- 850k / 1 Xanax🚑
Reviving for 1xan or 1mil
Selling revives 1 mil or a Xanax. 3+ for 750k each. Please ping me with $1 or a mail if I’m offline.
Reviving for 1mil/xan. Can do bulk if needed
1 Xanax or 900k
Elimination Revive Butler: 0000-1000 TCT. Click to nego
Selling Revives, Bulk or Single. Xanax or Cash Equivalent. Honey Badgers Medical, contracts available!
Nomads Medical - Respected Reviver - 1XAN only, no cash, willing to travel out to you during the weekdays. DM/Message if needed.
Reviving for $800.000 or 1 Xanax
800K Or Xanax

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